ORCRSL Rules 2023.pdf
REMINDER - ABSOLUTELY NO ALCOHOL or SMOKING of CANNABIS - Any team found with either at or near the playing field will automatically forfeit the game, will be subject to a $150 fine and may be suspended from the league. This also includes the parking lot at Leno Park. NO warnings. NO exceptions.
1) Males can bat three in a row twice in a batting rotation.
2) Maximum of 5 courtesy runners per game.
3) No technology is allowed on the field by players or base coaches. Automatic ejection.
ASA / USA - Bats which bear the ASA 2000/2004/2013 logo and USA Softball are allowed in league play except for those on the non-approved bat list.
USSSA - Bats which bear the BPF 1.20 thumbprint are acceptable for play in the league.

NSA - Bats which bear the NSA Canada logo are acceptable for play in the league.