Hi Marshall,
If a team does not have enough girls in their batting order and must play with an automatic out, does it matter who (gender) would be batting in the spot if the lineup was full?
In our last game, a male batter received 2 bases on a walk because he was hitting with the automatic out right after him, and said that "the automatic out would have been a girl."
Thanks, Brendon |
You can only have automatic outs when a team doesn't have enough girls.
So if you have only three girls then when the fourth girl would be due up, it an automatic out. The next batter would the next male in the line up. If a walk is issued to a male prior to the automatic out then yes, he would receive two bases because the automatic out would be the female batter. The ruling was correct in your game.
The same applies if you only have two girls. The third and fourth female batter positions are automatic outs.
Marshall |